Its fairly rare in this life we will get to touch that which happened long before us or affect that which happens long after us. Yesterday at the Minnesota Historical Society Nookomis Obagijigan spent quality time handling the moccasins literally made by ancestors.
We are using the Museum's archives as well as models in the community to create patterns for our moccasin pattern book coming Spring 2019.
The moccasins pictures here made by an artist from White Earth between 1923-1931. The oldest pair we worked with Wednesday were dated 1860. 1860!!
As most of our art is utilitarian and wearable art we rarely get to handle works this old. The beads, embroidery, and stitching on these moccasins is evident of their mastery, their patience, and their belief in the value of a Gift.
Miigwech to the Minnesota Historical Society for your great stories, laughter, and for bringing so much context to these moccasins.
How do you determine how old the moccasins are? Is the color of the bead significant? I have a pair that are beaded on the sole of the shoe, why is that?
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