News — kwepack RSS

Custom Art hits the road!

At Heart Berry we are all about making art for living! We have been creating work for the KwePack since its inception. Our CEO is one of the founding members of this Indigenous Women's Wellness group.  The KwePack has been running races from 5ks to 50 milers since 2010.  They have represented in the largest numbers as an Indigenous group to races across the midwest. This past May they hit the road for a half marathon on Madeline Island.  Madeline Island is one of our pinnacle village and historic sites and the Kwepack was proud to represent Anishinaabeg at this beautiful event.  Representing in new floral gear, check out their fun weekend!  Want to learn more about the KwePack?  Are...

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Oprah Winfrey, a life of intention, and other unbelievable things

We Met Oprah!! If you've been under a rock then maybe you haven't heard, but this past Friday the KwePack, an Indigenous Women's Running Group here in Northern MN was invited to run during Oprah's 2020 Vision Tour.   As part of her tour, Oprah and her team have gleaned stories from across the country of people living a life of intention.  Kwepack runner and Heart Berry owner Howes "At first I thought it was a hoax, even as late as a few days before I had doubts."   Twenty Indigenous runners were invited to come and run in downtown Minneapolis.  Waiting on who they believe is WCCO newscaster Frank, the KwePack was surprised by the Auntie O herself.  After many screams and...

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Running for Life

The Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission hosts an annual Healing Run along the great lakes.  Our Kwepack has participated in the run for over 5 years.  We consider it a huge honor to bring a part of our story of running for our Life to this year's T shirt design. This year has brought focus onto our Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women in incredible and beautiful ways.  This year has also brought incredible focus onto Native wellness and onto our Indigenous Running Group the KwePack and the power of taking control of our own narratives. As the trump era and treaty rights tension builds our communities face threats we had hoped and worked to extinguish.  The Healing Run runners...

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